Playlist - Zufallslied!
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Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!
von SkidRow am 06.02.2017 00:56Omg ich liiiebe dieses Lied !
Cinderella - Night Songs <3

Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.
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Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!
von SkidRow am 04.02.2017 22:30Rainbow - Man of the silver mountain.

Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.
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Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!
von glimmerglass am 04.02.2017 17:55My Chemical Romance - I don't love you
When St. Peter loses his cool and bars the gates
When Atlas acts so mad it makes his arms shake
When the birds are heard again and their singing
And once atrocity is hoarse from voice and shame
And when the earth is trembling on some new beginnin'
With the same sweet shock of when Adam first came -
Lover be as you've always been.
(Hozier, Be)
Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!
von KatoriMei am 04.02.2017 16:05GOT7 - If You Do.
»What doesn't kill you, makes you wish it did.«