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Re: 🎲 #2 Süßes oder Saures 🎲
von Sirena_Lunari am 28.10.2022 21:06Definitiv Team Saures! 🍋
~ Some people survive the chaos and that is how they grow. ~
~ And some people thrive in chaos because chaos is all the know. ~
Nikita Gill
Re: 🎲 #1 Süßes oder Saures 🎲
von Sirena_Lunari am 28.10.2022 19:19Team Saures :)
~ Some people survive the chaos and that is how they grow. ~
~ And some people thrive in chaos because chaos is all the know. ~
Nikita Gill
Re: Pedition - Kakaodesign für den Winter
von Sirena_Lunari am 12.07.2022 07:31Ohhh... ich ähm.. hab natürlich nichts gesagt 😅
~ Some people survive the chaos and that is how they grow. ~
~ And some people thrive in chaos because chaos is all the know. ~
Nikita Gill
Re: Pedition - Kakaodesign für den Winter
von Sirena_Lunari am 12.07.2022 00:45Das Bild? - Aber nicht letztes Jahr^^
Sollte auch lediglich der Verbildichung dinen. Kann aber auch gern eine Collage machen ;)
~ Some people survive the chaos and that is how they grow. ~
~ And some people thrive in chaos because chaos is all the know. ~
Nikita Gill
Re: Pedition - Kakaodesign für den Winter
von Sirena_Lunari am 12.07.2022 00:10*unterschreibt in der schönsten Handschrift die sie zu bieten hat. Geschwungen und edel, denn es geht um Kakao*
~ Some people survive the chaos and that is how they grow. ~
~ And some people thrive in chaos because chaos is all the know. ~
Nikita Gill