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25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:40

Oscar Winning Tears. - RAYE

"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Der erste Gedanke zum User über dir

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:37

Ich mag den Username und das Profilbild sieht toll aus!

"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Entweder ODER Spiel

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:23

Barfuß oder mit Socken, wenn's kalt ist.

Regen oder starker Wind?

"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Ja ODER Nein

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:22

Ja, schon mehrmals.

Hast du schon mal jemanden zum Weinen gebracht?

"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Assoziationskette

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:21


"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: " Und die Kopfnuss geht an ..."

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:20


"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Schauspieler-Kette

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:20

Tim Holt - His Kind of Woman - Jane Russell

"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Familiennamen von A bis Z

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:18


"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Dieses Hobby...oh ja oder ach nein?

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:18

Ja, na klar! Leider nicht mehr so viel wie früher, aber ich versuche wieder mehr Bücher zu lesen.


"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -



25, Weiblich

  8. Pocketbook Writer

Beiträge: 1559

Re: Namen von A-Z

von LadyMacbeth am 08.05.2024 16:17


"Most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally evil, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Good Omens -

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