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29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von SkidRow am 04.10.2020 23:25

toutant - ponderous


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Liederkette

von SkidRow am 04.10.2020 23:20

Oh my!!  Diesen Song habe ich ewig, wirklich ewig, nicht mehr gehört und weckt Erinnerungen an meine tiefste Emo/Scenephase.  

Ministry - Burning Inside 


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Der erste Gedanke zum User über dir

von SkidRow am 04.10.2020 16:49

Dein Profil ist toll und deine Signatur. Machen Lust auf's Reisen; mit dem Rucksack durch welches Land auch immer. :)


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von SkidRow am 04.10.2020 00:34

godsmack - moon baby


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Liederkette

von SkidRow am 03.10.2020 23:50

Hört sich ganz gut an, aber ich weiß nicht... 🙈

AC/DC - Bad Boy Boogie


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Liederkette

von SkidRow am 03.10.2020 14:56

Klingt ganz gut, erinnert mich an einen späten Abend in einer stickigen Aula irgendeiner High School Fete in den 80s

Vast - Touched


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Bewerte das Profildesign vom User über dir ~

von SkidRow am 03.10.2020 13:44

100000/10. Ich mag dein Profil sehr. 😱🤩


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Der erste Gedanke zum User über dir

von SkidRow am 03.10.2020 13:07

Hat einen guten Musikgeschmack.


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von SkidRow am 03.10.2020 12:34

porcelain black - gasoline


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.



29, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist

Beiträge: 1985

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von SkidRow am 02.10.2020 18:27

barns courtney - hellfire


Fare theE well! thus disunited, Torn from every nearer tie. Seared in heart, And lone, and blighted, More than this I scarce can die.

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