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73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Der Countdown läuft!

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 14:04


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Moment of the Day

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:41

Kleidung: dunkelblaue Stoffhose, weiße Bluse mit kleinen dunkelblauen Rosen, dunkelblauer Blazer
Haare: offen
Ich esse: immer noch nichts XD
Ich trinke: Mineralwasser
Ich rede mit: mir selbst und zähle auf, was ich noch alles machen muss
Ich chatte mit: niemandem
Ich höre: himmlische Ruhe - alle im Haus ausgeflogen :)
Ich sehe: meine Bildschirme, ein Bild und aus dem Augenwinkel durchs Fenster einen herrlichen Herbsttag
Mir geht es: läuft
Ich bin: zufrieden
Ich will: gleich los zu meinem Termin
Ich sollte: danach noch einkaufen
Ich wünsche: ich hätte den Tag schon rum und könnte morgen entspannen
Ich liebe: Wasserbetten
Ich hasse: Halloumi - ich bekomme Gänsehaut beim quitschen
Ich denke: an meine ToDo Liste
Ich mache heute noch: Meeting, Einkaufen, um die Pflanzen kümmern
Ich grüße: alle die sich angesprochen fühlen

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Der Countdown läuft!

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:37


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Umarmungen für...

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:36


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Rosenspiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:36


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Hochzählen bis ins Unendliche

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:36


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: T minus 1000

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:35


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Buchstabenspiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:35


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Namen von A-Z

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:35


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16498

Re: Buchstabenspiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 07.10.2023 11:10


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~

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