Zählt bis 1000
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Re: Zählt bis 1000
von hundertmorgen am 24.11.2021 12:35529
It is because I dove into the
abyss that I am beginning to
love the abyss I am made of.
Re: Zählt bis 1000
von Hamsterchen am 24.11.2021 14:01531.
"People ask me why I wear veils. I reply, I am mourning. Mourning what? Well I figure something shitty must be going on somewhere."
- Lady Gaga
Re: Zählt bis 1000
von hazelandpine am 24.11.2021 16:53533
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
Re: Zählt bis 1000
von hundertmorgen am 24.11.2021 19:11534
It is because I dove into the
abyss that I am beginning to
love the abyss I am made of.
Re: Zählt bis 1000
von hazelandpine am 26.11.2021 14:39535
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
Re: Zählt bis 1000
von hazelandpine am 26.11.2021 14:47537
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are